
Boost your job ad today to uncover the full power of the Inten Platform

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Referral Reward Listing. Get More Candidates.

Express Hiring. Fill Positions Faster.

How to Boost Your Job Listings

Boost Your Job Ads For Better Reach

Boosting your job is only available to Premium users. Boosting your job will open you up to more candidates faster. Please take a look at our Premium Offers.

1 credit costs between ₱33 and ₱11, depending on your plan. Learn more about our pricing.

Express Hiring. Fill Positions Faster.

Adding your job to our Express Hiring Section will position your job ad in a high footfall area. If you need to fill positions fast select this option.

When you select Express Hiring for your job, the following happens to your ad:

  • We add your job to the 'Express Hiring' job listing section. This section is the first one jobseekers see when they arrive on our job board. Check it out.

Referral Reward Listing. Get More Candidates.

Referral reward job ads gives you access to hundred of affiliates who are incentivised to share your jobs with their network. Imagine it like a country wide Employee Referral Program (ERP) where we manage all the pay outs, all you need to do is click add boosts.

When you select to add your job ad to the referral reward listings section this is what will happen:

  1. We add your job to the 'Referral Reward' job listing section.

  2. We apply a "Refer and Earn' Button to your listing.

  3. Any one on the platform can copy their affiliate link (buy clicking the 'Refer and Earn' button) and share your job ad within their network (social groups, pages, personal profiles - anywhere). These affiliates will encourage their network to apply to your jobs via their link. Every time someone applies to your job ad through their link, we pay the affiliates ₱50.00.

    1. To trigger this payment to the affiliate you need to qualify the candidate. To qualify the candidate you need to download their resume or open a chat room with the referred candidate. Learn more on how we bill you here.

In turn what we are creating here is a network effect on candidates applying to your job advert meaning more candidate who fit within the role.

How to Boost Your Job Listings

  1. You need to become a premium user.

  2. Follow the normal steps to post a job ad.

  3. On the final steps, you will see a Boost section. This is where you apply the additional Boosts.

Last updated