Employer of record (EOR)

Used by teams large and small with 20,000+ businesses across the globe (and counting)

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Hire Compliantly in Under 5 Minutes. Start Now, Cancel Anytime

Hire employees globally with the #1 Employer of Record

Stay compliant from top to bottom while you grow your global team

Manage your team with a self-serve platform

Wow new hires with the best in employee experience

Access market-leading coverage with 120+ entities worldwide

Learn more, chat with a consultant today

Hire Compliantly in Under 5 Minutes. Start Now, Cancel Anytime

  • Leave staying on top of local laws and compliance to us

  • Go from offer letter to onboarded in minutes

  • Streamline your entire payment process with a click

  • Give your team total flexibility to work anywhere, compliantly

  • Provide inclusive benefits for everyone

Hire employees globally with the #1 Employer of Record

We provide safe and secure EOR services in 100+ countries. Weโ€™ll quickly hire and onboard employees on your behalfโ€”with payroll, tax, and compliance solutions built into the same, all-in-one platform.

Stay compliant from top to bottom while you grow your global team

We handles everything, so youโ€™re compliant when it comes to contracts, minimum wage, terminations, and other local laws. And our always-on compliance mitigates more risk than any other provider, even as your business evolves.

Manage your team with a self-serve platform

Decrease onboarding time to just 5 minutes

Onboarding an employee in Ecuador is totally different from onboarding an employee in Germany. Thatโ€™s why we localize every item for youโ€”from minimum wage to country-specific documentation requestsโ€”so you can quickly, compliantly onboard anyone.

Book a discovery call now

Wow new hires with the best in employee experience

Many EOR services rely on partners to hire employees, leading to an inconsistent team experience with no direct point of contact. We handle everything through our dedicated Employee Experience Team and Employee Dashboard to manage onboarding, benefits, payslips, and more.

Access market-leading coverage with 120+ entities worldwide

From establishing our entities to running payroll, we handle everything in-house to provide transparent pricing, consistent quality service, and manage more on-platform.

Learn more, chat with a consultant today

Last updated