Create the perfect introduction video

How can you be seen first or faster by the employer? In this blog, we will uncover how.

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How you currently apply to jobs

How to stand out faster

Meet our CEO, Tom Farrugia. Here is his Inten Profile.

1. Have a pre-recorded introduction video of yourself

2. Light, Light, Light!

3. Be yourself

4. Smile

5. Don’t act

6. Brush up


The main thing employers, BPO, VA and international businesses look for when hiring is your ability to communicate. Show it instantly with an introduction video.

So generally what are the best ways to stand out from the crowd, to be seen, to be remembered and to get hired?

As a fast-growing hiring platform, we speak to thousands of employers every year, it’s kind of our thing. They typically tell us what they initially look for when recruiting:

  1. The ability to communicate in English to a certain level

  2. Experience level

  3. To fit in with their company culture

That’s it, so if you can show these attributes faster, well, you’re already off to a good start.

You might be thinking, “This is all great, but how do I show my communication skills and cultural fit, fast!?” That’s an excellent question! Let us answer it for you.

How you currently apply to jobs

  1. Apply for the job and/or send your resume

  2. Wait for the employer to review it

  3. Wait for the employer to hopefully get back to you (within 2 weeks is the industry standard)

  4. The employer gives you a phone screening

    1. This is the point where they can get an understanding of your communication ability and potential cultural fit

  5. The employer decides if it’s a yes or no to take you to the next hiring stage (1 more week)

That is pretty long, don’t you agree?

How to stand out faster

Believe it or not, most employers will ask you for a self-recorded video towards the end of their hiring process (generally 3-4 weeks after the first point of contact), so why not get it done early, in your own time, where you can record it until you’re happy?

With Inten, you can jump straight to meeting the employer almost instantly as they will be reviewing you by your introduction video FIRST. Resume second. Meaning they can get a good judgement of YOU and not your resume. Make sense?

Meet our CEO, Tom Farrugia. Here is his Inten Profile.

1. Have a pre-recorded introduction video of yourself

Now, we get it, for most people, it makes them nervous, a little sick and gives butterflies in their belly at the thought of recording themselves on video. So we want to help you as best as possible, click the link below for what to say in the intro video.

Having an introduction video will help you hugely, believe us!

These scripts will be able to guide you on what the best things to say in your introduction video are, things that are what employers want to know about, it also gives you a chance to show off your communication skills.

Next, all you need to do is have a quick practice and go for it. The best way to improve is to watch back the recording and see where you need to improve.

Pro tip:

  1. Don’t put on an accent when talking (even if you think it sounds better)

  2. Speak naturally

  3. Don’t forget to practise

In case you missed it: here are the scripts

Okay, so we have covered communication from the first point, ‘Have a pre-recorded introduction video of yourself’. The great thing is we can also cover company culture in this video.

Remember, video trumps just a resume - every time

Now you know what to say in the video, here are some other points to perfect your video. Let’s go!

2. Light, Light, Light!

Having the right lighting for the room is not essential but it is important so try your best to make your room nice and light.

We want to be able to see you, so bear in mind the following before you record:

  1. Is this room dark?

  2. Could this room be lighter?

  3. Is this the best room to film in? What is the best room to film in and is it free right now?

  4. Do I have some lamps or curtains I can open?

Once you think you have the brightest possible room, go for it. If you record and upload it and are still unsure of its quality, send us a message on Facebook and we will review it for you for free!

Record sat by a window, with light coming through, blinds/curtains ope

3. Be yourself

We hear this all the time, whether it is to impress your crush, when meeting new people or generally when we get anxious or worried.

So how can we “be ourselves”? Let’s focus on your mindset:

  1. Know your true value

  2. Express yourself

  3. Focus on your strengths and use them

4. Smile

In a sense, the brain is a sucker for a grin. It doesn’t bother to sort out whether you’re smiling because you’re genuinely joyous or because you’re just pretending. This is a great way to boost your mood. Read more here.

If you’re nervous, try this, pull the biggest smile you can, one where you show all your teeth and look silly, hold it for 20-30 seconds, and relax. Now, how are you feeling? Pretty amazing, right? Hey and guess what, I bet you naturally smiled after too. You have just tricked your brain into feeling great!

5. Don’t act

If you have a big bubbly personality, show it, don’t be shy about that. Yes, work and job seeking to a certain extent is a severe thing, but employers are people looking for people, not robots. They will be able to relate to you and show your uniqueness!

On the flip side, if you’re more quiet and introverted, that's also great because the employer understands people. Our point here is to be yourself because being natural is evident, as humans we can tell when someone is faking.

Avoid putting on an accent. When working in a contact centre or BPO, you need to be able to communicate. You don’t, however, need to speak like an English gentleman or lady. You just need to be able to have a conversation and understand what is being said to you.

6. Brush up

Look presentable and bring your A-game… Dress to impress. This being said you don’t need to go and buy a new suit or skirt and shoes, look tidy, this honestly goes a really long way with employers because it shows you care and are trying.


We think you’re ready to give it a shot, right?

With everything here, the scripts, the video set-up and the advice to make you stand out, you should be ready to give it a shot.

Here at Inten our goal is to help job seekers find the perfect job placement and for employers to find the perfect employee placement. If you need any support with standing out a little bit extra, please contact us so we can give you that boost.

Last updated