Quick start for job seekers

We are on a mission to to empower 1 million Filipino job seekers to not only change their job titles to 'Employed,' but also to foster long-term career growth and stability by 2026.

Need more help? Contact support.

Signing Up

Keeping Your Profile Up to Date

View Your Job Seeker Dashboard

Applying to Jobs

Review Pending Applications

Viewing Jobs from One Employer

Sharing Your Profile

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Signing Up

Welcome to our job board and talent-sourcing platform!

To get started, please complete your profile to at least 70%. We’ll provide real-time progress updates as you go through this quick process, which takes less than 2 minutes.

Uploading an introduction video is essential for completing a 100% profile. For inspiration, watch our CEO's introduction video here.

I talk with hundreds of employers every month, and the main thing they look for when hiring is your ability to communicate. The current hiring process takes, on average, 2 weeks. With Inten, thanks to your introduction videos, that time goes to under 1 hour.

Tom Farrugia, Inten founder and CEO

Keeping Your Profile Up to Date

Things change; you up-skill and add strings to your bow. It's essential to keep your profile up to date, as employers will use keywords to find you directly on the platform. Here is how you can add more gold to your already glowing profile:

  1. Regular Updates: Frequently update your skills, certifications, and experiences.

  2. Optimize with Keywords: Use industry-specific keywords to make your profile more searchable.

  3. Enhance Your Introduction Video: Periodically update your introduction video to reflect your latest skills and achievements.

How to update your profile:

  1. Log in and click your name in the top right corner

  1. Click 'Update profile'

  1. Enter you information

  1. Hit save!

View Your Job Seeker Dashboard

Whether you're looking to check out your profile, notifications, favorite companies, job applications, or referrals, you will want to know how to get to your dashboard. Check it out:

  1. Log in and click your name in the top right corner

  1. Click 'Profile'

  1. View your options in the left-hand menu

Applying to Jobs

Applying for jobs is simple. It takes just 2 steps.

  1. Click 'Search Jobs' or the Job seeker tile

  1. Find the job you like and submit your application but hitting apply

Review Pending Applications

Review the job openings you have applied for quickly:

  1. Navigate to Your Name:

    • Click on your name in the top right corner.

  1. Select 'Pending Applications':

    • From the drop-down menu, select 'Pending Applications'.

From here, you can:

  • Withdraw Application: Un-apply for the job.

  • View Job Description: See the details of the job you applied for.

  • View Your Job Seeker dashboard: Access your main dashboard for more options.

  • Get More Support: Find additional help and resources.

Viewing Jobs from One Employer

Want to see all the jobs from one employer? You may want to learn more about them as a company. Click the logo on the job description to jump directly to their company page.

Sharing Your Profile

Being able to share your profile with employers on and off of Inten.jobs dramatically improve your chances of getting hired over other candidates. It gives employers an easy-to-read view of your experience and, of course, your introduction video.

Here is how to get your sharable link:

  1. Log in and click your name in the top right corner

  1. Click 'Profile'

  1. Click 'Share Profile' button

  1. Copy link profile link

Last updated